
About Us

With The Washington Times as your WT Media communications partner, you can reach readers in a respected, highly credible, award-winning newspaper whose impact extends throughout Washington, D.C., the United States and globally.

National Brand

The Washington Times was recently declared one of the most trusted news outlets in America. The respected Simmons Research ranked The Times No. 5 among newspapers and No. 10 among all media platforms, including online, radio and television.

The Washington Times is America’s preferred media source for award-winning investigative reporting, hardhitting news and conservative commentary from the nation’s capital delivered via print, digital, mobile, social and video platforms. WashingtonTimes.com draws over 30 million page views a month, making it one of the most read newspaper sites in America.*

The Times’ distribution includes offices of all U.S. Senators and Congressmen, and it is read daily at the White House, the Pentagon, federal agencies, think tanks, industry and business associations, foreign embassies and the IMF and World Bank.

Its reach among U.S. opinion leaders makes The Washington Times one of the most influential news sources in the United States.

*Source: The Washington Times is ranked in the top 25 most read newspaper websites in America, Pew Research Center.

Why Us?

Tell WT Media who you want to reach and we’ll help put your message in front of the right audience at the right time. How?

  • Full-service design and marketing team for clients to use.
  • Strategic digital, print, email and social marketing solutions, both nationally and internationally.
  • Award-winning Washington Times and WashingtonTimes.com.

Our WT Media experts will work closely with your team to understand your business, goals and unique challenges to develop a plan of action. Our goal is to deliver a customized solution package that best fits your budget and obtains your marketing goals for your business or your clients’ business.